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If you want to learn the basics of taking great photos with your DSLR camera without having to spend hours reading books and websites on the subject, this book is for you.
There's no fluff in An Introduction to DSLR Photography; instead, David Reynolds gets straight down to business, taking you through the most important parts of DSLR photography.
Included in this book are topics like:
- The importance of ISO
- What shutter speed is and does
- The basics of lighting your shot
- Quick tips to remember while you're in the field
- Tips for post-processing your photos
- Critical information you have to read before you upload your photos to the web
- Your rights as a photographer
- Much, much more
Food Photography An Introduction - Digital Photography Tips ... Interested in learning about Food Photography? Read on for some introductory tips. Visit any bookshop and head for the cook book section and youll be overwhelmed ... URCreative Face to Face Courses eLearning online training ... Introducton: Course EA1 Introduction to DSLR Photography (Online) is the ideal course module for participants new to DSLR photography or making the transition from film. Photography Basics Introduction to D-SLR Photography from Nikon The Introduction to Digital SLR Photography workshop explains the basics of photography terminology, techniques, and solutions to common photographic challenges An Introduction to Using Strobes in Your Photography As you can see, the image that included strobes is well worth the work, as it displays details better, has a softer effect on the skin, and doesnt leave a shadow ... An Introduction to Zone Focusing for your Leica, Rangefinder, or DSLR When I first started shooting street photography, I was always frustrated that my autofocus would always be too slow to capture the decisive moment. After trudging ... DSLR Lenses An Introduction - Digital Photography Tips ... When I first started writing about digital cameras the main question i was asked by readers was Which Camera should I buy? Usually they were in the market for a ... Digital Photography Basics: learn how to build a digital SLR ... Get expert digital photography basics and learn how to build a digital SLR system at Photo.net. An Introduction to Holga Photography The Holga is a camera, first manufactured in China in 1981, made almost entirely of plastic, some even have plastic lenses. It was an invention intended for the Working Notes Introduction to Digital SLR Photography 1 Working Notes Introduction to Digital SLR Photography For use by participants in Nikon School only. No reproduction or transmission is permitted. URCreative Face to Face Courses eLearning online training ... Introduction Course 1 Introduction to DSLR Photography is the ideal course for the student new to DSLR cameras or for those making the transition from film.
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