- Autofocus 35mm SLR with full manual options
- 28 to 80mm Zoom lens included
- Retractable built-in flash
- 7-Point autofocus system
- 35-Zone exposure sensor
List Price: $440.99

Amazon.com Product Description
The Canon EOS Rebel 2000 is an affordable, lightweight, andfull-featured automatic 35mm SLR for both beginning and advancedamateur photographers. It offers a host of special modes for specificshooting situations, including full auto, manual, night scene,portrait, landscape, and more. It also has shutter-speed priority andaperture priority modes--although most users will inevitably leave thecamera in full auto mode a majority of the time and the cameraperforms very well that way. Just remember that the empty rectanglesymbol on the mode dial is for full auto.
Some other basic features include an impressive seven-point autofocussystem, LCD panel with extensive information display, three exposuremetering modes (evaluative, partial, and centerweighted), autoexposure bracketing, a multiple exposure function, and depth-of-fieldpreview. The autofocus system is incredibly responsive, and includesseven focusing points that can be set individually for super creativeshooting. In other words, using the LCD panel as a guide, you can setthe camera to automatically focus on the far right focus point (or anyof the other points) so your main subject doesn't have to be in themiddle of the frame to be in focus in a snap.
In fact, most settings can be adjusted in creative ways on the Rebel2000, like the exposure level, which can be set to overexpose orunderexpose up to two full stops for tricky lighting situations whereyou might want to fool the camera's metering system. It also has asmall, built-in pop-up flash, plus a hot shoe for an additional flashunit. Overall, we found this camera to be smartly designed with anattractive look and a comfortable feel.
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